This petition was initiated by Take-A-Pen, but any actively supportive independent group or organization is welcome to join and become a full partner. Citizens from the whole world are invited to sign and further spread this petition. We all are motivated by the same wish: to save innocent civilians, both Israelis and Palestinians, from the war crimes and threats of Hamas, this lawless, warmonger, pirates-like terror organization, by calling for international trial of Hamas leaders’ war crimes.
Here are some of the Partners supporting this petition.

Take A Pen:
An international grass-roots organization, initiated in 2001, of European and Israeli citizens concerned with the increasingly anti-Israel dominated global media and NGO-s. TakeAPen used to operate in up to 18 languages. Its mission is to educate at all levels on the truth about Israel, to balance the media, to improve cooperation and public relations for Israel and strengthen Christian-Jewish alliance. TakeAPen is not part of any religious or political organization. It initiated a similar petition to the UN against Hamas War Crimes already in January 2009, first of its kind in the world.

Sderot Media Center:
Their mission is to generate global awareness and empathy with the sufferings of residents of Sderot and Western Negev in Israel, particularly children, who grew up under daily threat of Hamas rocket attacks since 2006 (when Israel left Gaza to the Palestinians and Hamas took over). They do on-site media coverage, education seminars and more.

Do you need any more information about the petition? Would you like to share your ideas? contact us.